Monday, July 21, 2008

More packing and preparations - 3 weeks to go

Last Friday our cat Apache went to friends with two young children and she is settleing in to life in a country town at Fernvale. This week is preparing our life into two - boxes to Samoa and boxes for storage. We have decided not to store much furniture and are giving most to children in Brisbane. We are also preparing our unit for rental. Next week we are off for a short holiday to Kingscliff in northern NSW. Then it is back for final needles, furniture removal and cleaning.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Samoa Adventure


This is our first blog, we are relocating to Samoa for the next three years, so it's a time of packing, discarding the junk and rearranging the way we live. We live on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia.

The thing that we will miss most is our boat, we cruise the Queensland coast islands usually in September when there is less chance of rain.

That's about all for now.